Ergonomic Footrests
Footrests are a great accessory to improve the ergonomics of your workstation. Some of the ways that footrests can help include:
Footrests are not necessarily indicated for all users. If your feet can comfortably and firmly reach the ground, and you do not have any existing spinal pain, then you do not need to use a footrest. The caveat here is that your feet must be "firmly" planted on the floor, not just touching.
- Footrests allow shorter users to keep their feet firmly planted, which helps to prevent a slouched/slumped posture. If your feet are not firmly planted on the floor (or footrest in this case), you are likely to "go fishing" for a firm surface, which causes you to slide forward on the chair and lean forward.
- Footrests provide a solid platform from which to push yourself back into your chair, helping to prevent slouched/slumped postures, and encouraging you to make the most of the support that a good ergonomic chair can offer. This in turn can help to alleviate lower back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain, by offloading these areas.
Footrests are not necessarily indicated for all users. If your feet can comfortably and firmly reach the ground, and you do not have any existing spinal pain, then you do not need to use a footrest. The caveat here is that your feet must be "firmly" planted on the floor, not just touching.